Coronavirus Guidance

Coronavirus - wash your hands

We wish to assure all patients and visitors that we are fully following the latest advice issued by Public Health England regarding the spread of Coronavirus and that we always operate "Universal Cross Infection Control", ensuring that patients and staff are protected to the highest level from from any infection.

As of Monday 8th June 2020, we will be taking booking for routine examinations and urgent dental treatments in line with government guidance.

We have put measures in place to ensure your and our safety:-

Appointments are managed to allow for social distancing. Where possible we will try to get you straight in to see the dentist.

We have installed medical grade air purification units and high volume extraction units (HVE) to provide optimum levels of patient safety.

Our reception area is fitted with a perspex screen.

All clinical and common areas are regularly disinfected in addition to our normal surface cleaning protocols between patients.

We may look a little different in masks and visors, but please be assured we are still the same friendly team underneath.

Please do not visit the practice unless you have an appointment booked.

When you phone for an appointment we will ask some health related screening questions, and some vulnerable patients may be advised to delay their appointments.

On your appointment:-

Please attend on your own unless it is appropriate to have a parent, guardian or carer present.
You should arrive wearing a mask if possible or be prepared to wear one.
We provide hand sanitiser and we will ask you to use this when you arrive.
We will again ask some screening questions.
We will take your temperature with a contactless thermometer.

Please call us to book an appointment on 01733 340005 before visiting.

Please do not visit our practice if:

  • You're self-isolating as per the Government guidelines*
  • You have any of these symptoms: cough, fever or shortness of breath - even if they are mild
It is important when visiting our practice that you take the following steps, in line with the latest Government advice:

  • Keep your hands clean, washing regularly and thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
  • Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch all coughs and sneezes and then bin the tissue - wash your hands with soap and water; or use a sanitiser
  • Try to avoid direct or close contact (closer than 2 metres for over 15 minutes) with any people who may be unwell
* Public Health England guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection

how to use a hand sanitiser
p.s. don't forget your thumbs and to interlace your fingers.